A historical comperative analysis of european and asian interior spaces through cultural background

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Dilara Tüfekçioğlu


Interior design entered the human life together with the need for housing, and has been developed in respect to several needs. But after a certain point, the development process has shown an improvement in their separated into different branches. Different lifestyles of different communities living in different geographies, in short, cultural differentiation have caused variation in interior design. Throughout the history, culture, by means of its elements, creates different lifestyles in the same periods of time, and influences the formation of interiors.

The aim of this study is to explore cultural values, that play important role in design process of interiors, shape our daily lives and thus, to assess how they influence interior designs. The study mainly focuses on cultural differences in Asian and European societies, where these differences can be clearly observed. Examining Asian and European cultures also gives us an opportunity to understand the similarities and differences of interior design principles. The information obtained by the historical analysis was synthesized, classified and finally interpreted. In conclusion, both in western and far eastern cultures, according to the periods, many elements within the concept of culture as climate, human values, religion, thinking, trade, class distinction, type of management, personal interests, social events, industrial and technological developments were found to have influence on the lifestyles and interior design.

Keywords: Culture, European Culture, Asian Culture, Life styles, Volume Design, Dwellings,  Architecture-İnterior Architecture-Space



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