The affects of the new media design on the visual communication design

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Hülya Gündoğdu


Arts and Technology has been involved in an interaction with each other since the existence of Human being. Technological innovations have not only included the society but also the art. ’The New Media’concept which has been the focus of this issue has also affected the visual communication design.The visual communication design has acreative process in which the technology and design are combined and communication is established. Additionally, the decrease in the interest in desktop publishing has led to the development of the concept of ‘the new media.’The new media design concept has been an important field especially in the developing countries. Because, in our century where competency almost disclaims right of living to the other, the companies and trademarks are making use of the power of visual communication design in order to bring up their productions one step forward than the others, to boost their pre-occupyingness, and to turn will of purchasing into permanency. In this study, the reasons for the innovation-visual communication design into the digital field, along with the new media concept have been addressed.

Keywords: new media, visual communication design, design, digital, mass communication, consumer.


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