Education for statehood as a fundamental element of civil defence education in Czechoslovakia in the years between 1918 and 1939

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Stepan Kavan


This article is a reflection of statehood education as a basic element of education. The research focuses on the period after the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 to the time before World War II in 1939. The aim of the research is to explore the basic approaches to the implementation of education for statehood in terms of the creation of a new state in relation to civil defence education in Czechoslovakia. The comparative historical analysis will be utilized as the research method on the subject of education for statehood. The comparative historical analysis is used as a specific tool for qualitative research. This is a procedure which can be applied to the statehood issue of education to its basic elements, by which it will be possible to learn more about this phenomenon and subsequently explain it. Perceptions and ideas about the tasks of the state have gradually changed and evolved. This means the creation and development of the legal order, providing security and order within the state. Education for statehood was directed to such education and creating an environment so that every citizen, irrespective of nationality, religion, political opinion and social environment in which they live, has the physical and mental ability and willing to enthusiastically and faithfully fulfill their civic duties.

Keywords: Statehood, Czechoslovak Republic, civil defence education



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