A model proposal for postgraduate education in gastronomy and culinary arts field

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Oya Özkanlı


Gastronomy is a multidisciplinary science and art branch which is affected by some work areas such as eating-drinking, culture, art, anthropology, sociology, and it affects them; furthermore it includes all eating habits of humankind since the existence of it until today and impacts of them on people and society, and culinary arts. Gastronomy which is tried to research and come to conclusion of eating habits of society which are in nature of society's mirror is in the ascendant. In this study, academic education of today's scientific gastronomy studies in postgraduate level will be focused on, which students who are the last product of gastronomy and culinary arts department in master and doctorate programs should take. In this context, examining the existing courses and contents of courses, and qualifications which graduate students need to have is also discussed.

Keywords: gastronomy postgraduate, culinary arts postgraduate.



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