Motor coordination and reactivity influenced by mental training in alpine skiing

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Grosu Vlad Teodor Grosu Vlad Teodor Moraru Cristina Elena Monea Dan


The samples of subjects tested are aged 12±5 and 19±1. Athletes are components of alpine ski groups within School sports clubs. The experimental group comprises athletes from Gheorgheni, Baia-Sprie, and FEFS and the control group consists of athletes from Topliţa, Sibiu, Predeal, Sinaia. Through this study, we analyzed the influence of mental training on the increase in focused attention and manual response in skiers. It is known that motor coordination and reactivity are very important in alpine skiing, (Chiș & Havatzelet, 2008). If the two components are not developed until they are fully mastered, it is impossible to achieve great results in alpine skiing. We recorded and tested the coordination between segments and the hand coordination within this study. In the experimental group, mental training techniques were applied, but not in the control group. The difference between the results is due to our intervention consisting in applying mental imagery in the most important technical elements within alpine skiing, (Akyürek, Schubö & Hommel, 2013).

Keywords: coordination, skiing, mental imagery, manual response.


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