Analyzing Needs for Training on Academic Procrastination Behavior pof College Students

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Iman Dwi Almunandar


The emergence of academic procrastination behavior among students in Indonesia, especially the students of Faculty of Psychology at YARSI University, becomes a habit not to be underestimated, so interfere with the effectiveness of the learning process frequently. The lecturers at the Faculty of Psychology have often warned students to do and collect assignments in accordance with predetermined deadline. However, they still violate it. According to researchers, this problem needs to be solved with a proper training to minimize academic procrastination behavior of the students. In this study, researchers conducted a needs analysis to decide whether the students need a training or not. In the study, there are 30 respondents who were chosen with the random sampling method. Measurement of academic procrastination behavior is using the theory by McCloskey (2011), which has six dimensions: Psychological Belief about Abilities, Distractions, Social Factor of Procrastination, Time Management, Personal Initiative, and Laziness. Methods of analyzing needs are using Questioner, Interview, Observations, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Intelligence Tests. The result of analyzing needs shows that psychology students' generation of 2015 at the Faculty of Psychology YARSI University need for training on Time Management.

Keywords: Procrastination; College Students; Analyze Needs


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