An orientation and remediation tool for solving mathematical exercises for secondary education

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GUERSS Fatima zahra


The personalized assistance of students in solving mathematical exercises (Problem) is at the heart of mathematical learning
in elementary school. This specific activity attached to mathematics caught the attention of many researchers in
mathematics education (Charnay &, 1987; Houdement,1999), but also in cognitive psychology (Vergnaud, 1997;
Fayol&,1996). In science, problem solving takes a prominent place. Generally, this is the method used to diagnose the
problems and deficiencies student and to assess its mastery to various didactic concepts. It is therefore important to help the
student in solving exercises, diagnose problems and intervene appropriately based on their profile. The purpose of this article
is to make a model (Onto E-orientation-Math-Bridge) to guide the Moroccan profile to the most appropriate exercises to his
skills, preferences and motivation. This model allows to mix two models: E-orientation model (Guerss F., Ait daoud M. & al,
2014; Guerss F., Ait daoud M. & al, 2015) that allows the orientation of Moroccan students remotely according to their
profiles And extended ontology of Math-Bridge project (Lmati &, 2014). This allows to structure the mathematics courses as
pedagogical concepts PC (Definition, theorem,...) linked by semantic relations. These concepts may be useful to specify
evaluation exercises according to themes and sub-themes mathematics. Each of theme is attached to a given level which
characterizes the Profile.
Keywords: Profile, Exercise, Ontology, E-orientation, Math-Bridge, E-orientation-Math-Bridge.


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