The theoretical bases of readiness of the teacher for training on the basis of interactive methods as the condition of development of the creative abilities of students

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Аdlet Kariyev


In the article theoretical bases of readiness of the teacher for training on the basis of interactive methods as a condition of
the development of creative abilities are considered. On the basis of the analysis of psychology and pedagogical literature,
the definition of the concept "readiness of the teacher for training on the basis of interactive methods as a condition of
development of the creative abilities which are being trained” was created. By means of the system analysis the author also
presents the structure of readiness of the teacher for training on the basis of interactive methods as a condition of
development of the creative abilities. In structure of required readiness motivational, substantial, procedural components
were allocated, criteria, indicators, methods of research and levels are presented. The professional orientation of the teacher
and professional vision of object of UPP is reflected in a motivational component; in a substantial component the knowledge
by the teacher of the theory of complete pedagogical process and knowledge of object of professional activity of the teacher
is being presented; in a procedural component ability of the teacher to predict pedagogical activity taking into account the
opportunities of use of interactive methods and ability to introduce interactive methods in pedagogical reality.
Keywords: readiness, readiness components, interactive methods of training, readiness for professional activity, readiness for
pedagogical activity.


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