Streamline of the teaching methods for enhancing the student motivation at the University

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Kristina Trskova


Motivation of human resource is important not only in working area but also for students who are preparing themselves for the future career. This paper therefore focused on students’ motivation and suggests the ways of developing the teaching methods in order to increase their motivation for improve their knowledge and skills. Methodological part of the paper presents the results of the questionnaire survey executed at the University of Žilina. The sample consists of 70 students of the first year of bachelor study program Management. The questionnaire is dedicated to: Factors which motivates the students to fulfil their tasks; the level of students’ skills development before and after the completion of subject; students’ awareness; and detection of weak moments during teaching which offer the opportunity for improvement. Based on survey, the paper reveals weaknesses in teaching and contains proposals and recommendations for streamlining the teaching to enhance students’ motivation and their interest in development of their skills and knowledge. In the application part of this paper, there are suggested methods which are based on theoretical knowledge, questionnaire survey, and own observation and experiences (for example: Increasing students’ awareness on their responsibilities, duties, conditions, evaluation criteria and education program). 


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