The Effects of Personal, Psychological, and Sociocultural Influences on Binge Eating Among Lebanese High School Students

Mohammad Bassam Sukariyah


The current research sought to examine how gender, self-esteem, body mass index, emotional eating, weight loss history, body esteem, thin-internalization, and perceived pressure to lose weight relate to binge eating in male and female Lebanese high school students. A sample of 212 girls and 214 boys completed self-report questionnaires measuring the mentioned concepts. Hierarchical linear regressions were performed to test the proposed models and Student's t-tests were used to examine gender differences in binge eating risks. Results indicated that being a female, dieting frequently, having lower body esteem and higher emotional eating and thin-internalization ratings, and perceiving greater pressures to lose weight were associated with students' binge eating behaviors even after controlling for body mass index and self-esteem. Implications for school-based intervention and prevention programs that incorporate sociocultural influences and are sensitive to gender differences were discussed.    


Keywords: Binge eating; sociocultural influences; body esteem; social pressure; thin ideal internalization


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