A study of Indonesian university students’ vocabulary mastery with vocabulary level test

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Rully Raslina Novianti


In investigating learners’ vocabulary mastery, some researchers focused their studies on either receptive or productive vocabulary mastery. This study examines university students’ vocabulary knowledge in Indonesia by using the Vocabulary Level Test (VLT). It also compares the receptive vocabulary size of students who obtained extra hours of English instruction with those who had not. Furthermore, this study also identifies their strategies in enhancing their vocabulary mastery. The 2000-word frequency-band from the receptive version of the VLT and questionnaire are used for data collection. The results show that their receptive vocabulary scores are lower than 2000 words and no significant difference was found between the students who had extra hours of English instruction and those who had not. Then it can be stated that even after they had gained extra hours of English instruction, their average vocabulary knowledge was still lower than the 1000 estimated word level in the VLT.Keywords: vocabulary mastery, Vocabulary Level Test (VLT), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), undergraduate students


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NOVIANTI, Rully Raslina. A study of Indonesian university students’ vocabulary mastery with vocabulary level test. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 4, p. 187-195, nov. 2016. ISSN 2301-2595. Available at: <http://sproc.org/ojs/index.php/GJFLT/article/view/1669>. Date accessed: 01 nov. 2017. doi: https://doi.org/10.18844/gjflt.v6i4.1669.


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