Developing intercultural competence of trainee translators

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Leila Mirzoyeva Oxana Syurmen


Intercultural competence is one of the key aspects of a translator / interpreter competence as it contributes to better understanding of the source text and thus, its more ‘ideal’ conveying into the target language. The purpose of this research is to clarify the areas requiring improvement in the process of developing trainee translators’ intercultural competence in the context of Kazakhstani education. Questionnaires for instructors teaching Practical English course and translation courses were used to collect data about the most problematic aspects of to-be translators’ training and cultural awareness of students. The preliminary results of the research show the lack of cultural information at phonetic, intonation and grammar levels, which supposes developing of a special system of exercises and integrating two different pathways represented by theoretical courses such as lingua-cultural studies and practical courses like English for specific professional purposes

Keywords: intercultural competence, ELT, translator / interpreter trainin, interpersonal skills, communication strategies


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