The Effect of Flipped Classroom strategy using Blackboard Mashup tools in enhancing achievement and Self– Regulated learning skills of university students

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Hala El-Senousy Jumana Alquda


The flipped classroom strategy (FCRS) is an innovative instructional approach that flips the traditional teacher-centered classroom into student-centered learning, by switching the classroom and home activities using the available educational technology. This paper examined the effect of (FCRS) on students’ achievement and self-regulated learning skills (SRLS) for 60 students enrolled in Comp101N course. The findings revealed a significant difference in both the mean of achievement test scores and SRLS scale of experimental group students and control group students in favor of the experimental group. A similar difference was found in the pre- and post-test achievement scores of experimental group students in favor of the post-test. The study recommended wider use of the FCRS in higher education and for post-graduate students.


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