Security threats and challenges in the post-soviet Central Asia: religion-based extremism on case study of ISIS

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Fatima Kukeyeva Leila Delovarova Tolganay Ormysheva Yermek Chukubayev


Nowadays the post-Soviet Central Asian countries face a broad range of security challenges and threats.  Some of them are systemic in nature, while others occur sporadically. Many challenges and threats are coming from the outside the region, but the countries’ internal situation and background including historical, economic, social and political aspects. The reaction in the countries on religious-based radicalism and movements like ISIS is an ambiguous.   The range and level of the threats and challenges depends on various reasons and different in all Central Asian countries. But the case of ISIS is very unprecedented and needs to be under the special analysis through the political and socio-economic dimension in all states. The different ways of development chosen by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and different background including borders, political systems, the role of religion and social stability defines the reflection to the threat in different way. Tajilistan and Uzbekistan are in high risk zone. The existing regional and extra regional organizations as CSTO and SCO are important in terms of security strengthening in Central Asia. Analyzing the general social, economic and religion climate picture in terms of absorbing or reflecting religious based extremism and ISIS the real power to stop it can be both effective inter-governmental cooperation and coordination with strong civil society support.   Keywords: security, Central Asia, extremism, ISIS;


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KUKEYEVA, Fatima et al. Security threats and challenges in the post-soviet Central Asia: religion-based extremism on case study of ISIS. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 254-261, jan. 2017. ISSN 2421-8030. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 aug. 2017. doi:


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