Simmel's concept of culture

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Eser Kececi Gokce Kececi


Culture is a Latin-origin word and derived from ‘cultura’. The word ‘cultura’ in Latin was then used for the meanings of to sow and get crops, produce. Before Turkish fell under the influence of Western languages, the word with Arab-origin ‘Hars’ was used instead of culture. After the Republic, rather than using ‘hars’, the word of culture was derived from the Western languages. The word ‘culture’ was widely started to be in use around Europe with the end of 18th century and beginning of 19thcentury. From the historical context of this word, it is described with relevantly complicated definition due to its different or similar uses for centuries. Thus, it has become difficult to make a single, scientific or appropriate definition concerning culture. Raymond Williams developed three wide and effective categories of use in order explain the development of word and complexity of its use.

           “(i)independent and abstract noun that describes a general process of intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic development from 18th century; (ii) whether used specifically or generally,… an independent noun that indicates a particular way of life, whether of a people, a period or humanity. But we also have to recognise (iii) the independent and abstract noun which describes the works and practices of intellectual and especially artistic activity” (Williams, 2005).

When we look at the word of culture from the sociological aspect, it is reviewed in a more comprehensive way compared with its daily use. In general, culture is describes by the life styles and all actions of a society. Additionally, the concept of culture is explained together with society due to their close relation. The society constitutes the mutual relationship systems. The joint orientation of a society leads them to be under a common culture roof. Society cannot be without culture and vice versa. Both terms make each other exist. The members of society share cultural elements. Then these form the mutual contexts that individuals within a society live in. “The culture of a society is comprised by both non-material- beliefs, thought and values that compose the content of culture- and material elements- objects, signs or 

technology that represent this content”(Giddens, 2005,22). The concept of culture does not form itself from the nature. Culture is a human activity that is comprised by human activities. Culture is also an abstract concept that individuals form together but also when appropriate surrender to it.

              “Culture means to create and protect an order, fight with everything that disturbs the order and looks chaotic for the order. Culture is the act of putting or adding an artificial, manmade order in the place of “Order of nature” (i.e status of without no human interference” (Bauman, 2004). 


 Keywords: Simmel, culture, cultura, society, Hars


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