Towards a computerized system of pedagogical orientation to succeed in Morocco University

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GUERSS Fatima zahra AITDAOUD Mohammed DOUZI Khadija TALBI Mohammed NAMIR Abdelouahed


The implementation of educational reform in Morocco is founding of the LMD system in 2003 and the operationalization of the contingency plan (2009-13 / Project 21: Establishment of an information and orientation system efficient) had as objectives the centration on the student (through pedagogical approaches, reception, information, orientation, the rate of student satisfaction, etc.),it is coming to resolve the most persistent problems of which high rate of redoubling and dropping out. However, since then, every year tens of thousands of young people are left on the side of the road after a few months or a few years at the university. This high dropout at the university which  requires to clarify  the behavior, strategies of this young people, and to spot which are the obstacles that can lead to failure and/or dropping out. So that we can deduct a specially adapted system for orientation and learning.

The introduction of LMD reform in Morocco use the particularly orientation at this moment, which is still lacking and is the subject of a deep debate of, scientific, professional and political. This debate concerns at once the object of this necessary orientation methodology and its aims. Indeed, in this new context, the orientation toward the university courses depends on: academic achievement, social original and family expectation. Usually, the young are not informed about the games of hierarchies between institutions, sectors and options, as well as the orientation process - missing- that produce differences between pupils, the development for both parents and students, could lead to better orientation.

Our research attempts to answer on this major problem of orientation: we propose anontology of the concept of orientation, which adapted to higher learning environment for students; and will offer computers tools to allow students to integrate a scientific journey, that responds well to their learning needs and the helps them succeed their university studies.



Keywords:E-orientation, ontology, orientation, school failure, abandonment.


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