New approaches in art education: Moodle learning and content management system based art education

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Cansu Çelebi Erol


Become also used in the training of multimedia software, is the most important innovation in the field of education provided by emerging technologies. Graphics, text, many factors such as digital images and sound are located in multiple environments. All of them gained importance in our daily lives and lead new structures in education is inevitable. To make meaningful abstract information is necessary to take advantage of the interactive multimedia applications. It is stated that a lot of research, teaching methods that increase the motivation of students and courses appeal to different senses can have a positive impact on student learning in arts education. One of the main areas of learning for training art students of the Art Criticism efficient way to gain knowledge to create effective learning situation is needed in the process of training materials. In this study, Moodle based educational material draft is aimed to create, which can be used in the field of art education courses given theoretical learning in higher education programs include effective teaching-learning experiences, and planned to offer. Mentioned art education courses is limited to a subject that’s "Principles and Elements of Art" at Fine Arts Departments Art Criticism course. In the study, an e-learning management system Moodlesupported training that can be used as the material of the design process, the design principles that have been referred to the eligibility for arts education learning and teaching experiences.


 Keywords: art education, moodle, web based learning


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