Utilization of the musical talent pool in terms of musical socialization process in Turkey

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Abdullah Uz


There are big problems with regard to the utilization of the musical talent pool in Turkey.The objective of this study is presenting the properties and working of the musical socialization process in Turkey and determining the relationship of these issues with the utilization of the musical talent pool. The study is based on documentary research and the descriptive musical socialization researches carried out in 1988, 1999 and 2011. The education system in Turkey provides the musical education means at very late ages. Withal, only a very insignificant part of the talent pool can be reached. Private enterprises have filled that gap to an extent. The influence of the family and the musical education/music teacher has been diminished; the effect of mass communication means has been increased on the musical socialization process. The tendency of being a passive listener has started to subrogate the effort for improving the talents; furthermore, the tendency of the talented individuals to shift into areas with higher status has become more significant.

Keywords: Musical talent pool, socialization process, musical socialization, musical education, mass communication.


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