An investigation of digital native children’s views towards digital technology

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Emine Cabı


The aim of this study was to determine the views of students at the elementary level to be accepted as a digital native. The participants of the study were 103 students enrolled in four different elementary level schools in Ankara in the spring semester of the 2013-2014 academic year. Data were collected through open ended questions that were answered by students. The results of the study were analyzed by use of content analyses procedure. Firstly, in research, base and sub-categories were determined, then emerge as new categories were added. %95 of the Commercial Vocational High School students demand SMART Board and tablets as with other three schools. It is observed that Blocking access to YouTube and twitter is a significant problem for digital native children.Students reported opinions about the conscious use of technology, the use of more technology in education, computer courses should be taught at an advanced level for the profession of the future wil be technology-based.

Keywords: Digital technology, adolescents’ attitudes towards digital technology, adolescence and technology, digital natives, technology.


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