Information and communication technology competencies of class teachers

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Nevriye Yazçayir Kıymet Selvi


Teacher competencies refer to general information, skills and attitudes required for being an effective and a productive teacher. According to traditional approach, teacher competencies are determined in three main fields: field competencies, pedagogical competencies and cultural competencies. However, nowadays teacher competencies are discussed in broader and different dimensions with regard to reform studies in education, developments in teacher education, scientific results in the fields of education sciences and other sciences. ICT competencies defined as one of the teacher competencies have been one of the most important competencies for all individuals. While ICT competencies are included in some studies of teacher competencies in literature, these competencies are examined under the heading of “general competencies” and in a limited scope. This study aimed at to determine the ICT competencies of class teachers. This research was carried out as a qualitative research. In the research, the data gathered at four stages and with different data collection methods from class teachers and experts by means of using Delphi technique. In the first stage, three written open-ended research questions were given to 40 class teachers and teachers’ responses to these questions were taken in a written form. Teachers’ written opinions were analyzed by researchers and teacher’s ICT competencies were determined. In the second stage, a three-hour face to face brain storming meeting comprised of two rounds was organized and 20 class teachers’ opinions were collected. In the third stage, a list of class teachers’ ICT competencies were made based on the opinions determined at stage 1 and stage 2. The list was given to 20 teachers. It was been asked if they agree with competencies in the list. In the fourth stage, ICT competencies of class teachers was been defined based on the data gathered from the research. ICT competencies of teachers in research; competencies of ICT knowledge acquiring and maintain, competencies of ICT use in teaching design and practices, competencies of teaching and developing ICT skills to students, ICT competencies related to the development of their professional knowledge and skills, competencies of ICT use in student counseling services and competencies of ICT use in e-school applications including consists of six competency areas. Each subcompetencies that should be owned under the area of competence was also determined. 

Keywords: ICT, class teacher, competency, learning, education


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