The effect of perceived behaviors related to educational attainment on students' school motivation: Sample of Isparta Vocational School

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Nesrin Şalvarcı Türeli Şirvan Şen Demir Gonca Manap Davras


Students of vocational and undergraduate programs at university can be found in negative attitudes and behaviors towards each other. Families and close environment of students studying vocational programs are also found in negative behavior.  The main purpose of this study is, a) to investigate how the vocational student perceive people behavior in their school environment, family, and close environment and b) to determine the effect of the  students' school motivation. The population of the study consists of Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta Vocational School students. To reach this purpose; first, the obtained data from literature have been used to provide a conceptual framework.  The collection of data "Perceived Behavior and Motivation Survey" was used. Survey has been developed by the researchers from interviews with students and teaching staff. The obtained data have been analysed via SPSS.  Structural and convergent validity of the data have revealed with the explanatory factor analysis. Then, confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the effects of independents variables on dependent variable. It was tested using a correlation analysis to determine the relationship among factor groups and a regression analysis to determine the effects of independents variables on school motivation factor. As a result, the correlation analysis demonstrated that the significant relationship between independent variables and school motivation and regression analysis demonstrated that four of hypotheses have been supported while one of them has not been supported.

Keywords: student perception, school motivation, vocational school 


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