A Review of Researches on Evaluation of Teachers in Turkey; Dimensions and Methodologies

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Mehmet Erdoğan Abdulkadir Kurt



The purpose of this paper is to review the research on evaluation of teachers in Turkey and to arrive at a synthesis on the methodological issues and the conclusions through a content analysis strategy. Review of research on the selected studies were undertaken considering pre-determined criteria; studies (1) done with Turkish sample, (2) presented empirical data, (3) done between 2004 and 2014, and (4) published in refereed journals and defended as graduate studies (Master and PhD theses). These criteria were utilized to select the studies to be contend-analysed. Selected studies were analysed across their purpose, design, sample, data collection, findings and implications. A total of 93 studies satisfied the criteria were included in the analysis. The current synthesis indicates that the researches on teachers Turkey mainly focuses on six dimensions, each related to (a) classroom management competency, (b) instruction (curriculum implementation), (c) teacher development (d) teacher knowledge, (e) teacher evaluation process, and (f) teacher thinking. At the end of the research study, a model reflecting the dimensions of research on teachers in Turkey was presented.


Keywords: Research on teachers, teacher evaluation, content analysis


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