Impact of Common Knowledge Construction Model on the Academic Achievement and Attitude towards Scıence in Science Education

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The main purpose of this study is to explore the effect of the Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) on the academic achievement and attitude towards science of primary education students in science topics. The group in this study consists of 87 students from four different classrooms of 7 th and 8th grades. This study in which the integrated design of the mixed method. Science and Technology class was taught based on the CKCM in the experimental group and 5E learning cycle was applied in the control group. Data of the study were obtained as a result of conducting the academic achievement tests, attitude towards science test, views on phenomenographic categories, classroom observation notes, video records. As a result, the students of the 7th grade were effective on improving the students’ developing their academic achievement. On the other hand, the students of the 8th grade were led to a medium level improvement in developing the viewpoints of the students on academic achievement. 7th and 8th grade Science and Technology lessons taught based on CKCM were not effective on improving the students’ developing their attitude towards scıence.  It was observed that concepts taught based on phenomena are considered more meaningful and perceived more easily by the students. 


Key words: common knowledge construction model, 5E learning cycle model, academic achievement and attitude towards science.


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