To the question of water quality monitoring

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Alexey Nickolaevich Nazarenko


This article is dedicated to increase the effectiveness of the water supply system of industrial enterprises in particular control system. The main problem in the operation of industrial water supply systems is significant overhead to produce quality feed water to cover deadweight losses. It is therefore necessary to consider the implementation of the program CAM Controlling to the main technological parameters of work.

The report presents the concept of quality control technology of cooling water under varying climatic and technological parameters of the water supply system. It is proved that the introduction of a controlling system allows to identify blockage of technology and increase water recycling company. Reducing water consumption will reduce operating costs by 14% and increase the sustainability of the enterprise.


Keywords: pure water, main pollutants, water cycle, sustainability enterprises, water balance, water cycle, corrosion protection, total hardness, oxygen, purge cycle, monitoring.



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