Hydrogeological modeling in Danube Valley using GIS techniques. Study case

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Ioana Vizireanu Camelia Slave


In hydrogeological and pedoclimatic conditions, specific to the Danube River, there is a danger of secondary salinization of soil excluded from the floods. The drought, with an increasing frequency, affects agricultural production in areas where the largest irrigation systems are found. These systems were built during 1960-1990, but they are dysfunctional and unused for 20 years.

The purpose of this study is to insure a model using GIS technologies, in order to reduce the negative effects of the drought and to propose redevelopment of irrigation. Such model is presented in a form of five thematic maps where the main morphometric parameters (hypsometry, slope, slope orientation), in quantitative terms, the types of soils and land use were analyzed for the entire surface of the villages Gostinu-Greaca-Arges, located in the Danube Floodplain. The GIS model provides important information for the investigated area and it is a useful tool for risk assessment and early-warning.

This study is based on observations from the maps interpretation of the studied area, but also from reports and studies published over the years.


Keywords: The Danube River, drought, soil, irrigation.


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