Different political impacts on making of Western-style art and on art education in Turkey

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Nimet Keser İnan Keser


It was not possible to mention a Western-style art education and an artistic production of current quantity and style two centuries ago in Turkey. In other words, existing style of art and art education in Turkey has a quite short history. Thus, it is logical to confer that a quick and radical period of change in Turkish art world was experienced within a pretty short time. In this study, putting forth the emergence and development of Western style painting and the education of painting in Turkey with its main lines, it was tried to analyze that how did the process of change affected the actors in the field of art. As a result of this analysis, it was concluded that as the artistic change in the field of painting in Ottoman Empire and in the following Turkish Republic did not arise out of internal dynamics of artistic production field, but from the Westernization desire of the political power, nearly everything about art was in the monopoly of the political power about art for a quiet long time, and there had been no other social stratum supporting and demanding art, the artists had established clientelist relationships with the political power especially till the 1940s and formed a language of painting parallel to the demands of the political power.

Keywords: Sociology of art, Turkish art history,art education, artistic change, Westernisation.


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