Effects of managers’ good characterson affective organizational commitment in consultant engineering firms

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Abbas Abbaspour Ali Nasr Esfahani Reza Abachian Ghassemi


The present study aimed atanalyzing the effects of good charactersof managers on affective organizational commitment of employees to the organization. Data were collected using a self-administrated questionnaire including leadership characters and affective commitment measures adopted. A sample of 100 employees from Consultant Engineering Firms was used. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and a linear regression analysis were used to test the relationship betweenmanagers’ good characters and affective commitment. The results show that the good characters of leaders including love, justice, and wisdomaffect affective commitment of employees. It is expected that when employees perceive such characters of amanager, they feel more affectively attached to their organizations andfeel a sense of loyalty towards their organization.

Keywords: good characters, affective commitment, consultant engineering firms.


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