Usability Evaluation for Near East University Student Information System

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Sahar S. Tabrizi Cemal Tufekci Omer Gumus Alper Cavus


By increasing the number of young people who choose the academic way of life, large-scale universities are faced with information administrative challenges. A Student Information System (SIS) is one of the solutions that provide management facilities for educational and financial aspects. An SIS can be accessed and used by university students as well as all levels of academic staff and university stakeholders. Determining the usability level of the SIS from a Human Computer Interaction perspective is an important consideration for universities. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the usability of the Near East University (NEU) SIS by using ISO/IEC 9126 standards. The ISO/IEC 9126 model has the most suitable metrics for evaluating the internal usability of the systems. The result of this study will be helpful for the NEU SIS developer team when considering improvement possibilities for future versions of the system.
Keywords: usability; ISO/IEC 9126; human computer interaction; student information system; quality model


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