Global Journal on Advances Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol 3 (2014)

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Environmental sustainability in sport: Current state and future trends

Sylvia Trendafilova, Brian McCullough, Michael Pfahl, Sheila N. Nguyen, Jonathan Casper, Manuela Picariello


Problem statement: The sport industry recognized the impact it has on the natural environment and developed strategies to address relevant issues. This concern triggered two environmental initiatives: reducing the ecological footprint and using sports as a means to raise environmental awareness.Purpose of study: This presentation provides an overview of the scholarly work on environmental sustainability in sport. We present examples of environmental programs adopted by sport organizations around the world and discuss the current state of environmental efforts.Methods: Semi-structured interviews, website analysis, and published documents were used in the analysis. Data were analyzed through qualitative methods to identify themes representing the current status of environmental efforts in sport.Finding and results: Sport organizations are proactively addressing the negative environmental impact of their operations producing outcomes including increasing organizational legitimacy, averting legal recourse, saving money, and building stronger relationships with key stakeholders. Results also illustrate the challenges associated with the successful adoption of environmental programs such as communication issues and available organizational resources.Conclusions and recommendationsThe trend is for sport organizations to expand and implement current environmental initiatives. The current focus on the environment in sport is expected to continue due to social values and expectations of stakeholders, government intervention, and mandatory requirements for certain certifications (e.g., LEED). Sport organizations need to develop partnerships with industry experts and within sport leagues to continue their efforts. As environmental awareness grows, sustainable sports offer a platform from which to address these issues and contribute to a sustainable future.
Keywords: environment, sport industry, sustainability.

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